Universal governance module proposal

I like the idea of type 1 and type 2. For now, type 1 is just creating and activating a spork. Others would be type2. Type1 should be at least the majority required for consensus which 66% + 1 for NoM. Type2 like adding networks to the bridge could remain 50% + 1.

I don’t think we need to implement the logic in order to send ZNN or QSR, we just don’t need it now, there is no functionality for it, just create an accelerator proposal insead of a type1/2 that would transfer. Handling ZTS transfers is purely beyond the scope of a governance embedded contract.

I also don’t think we need a dynamic quorum for now. One pillar, one vote for all the remaining time. If pillars don’t vote, there is no interest in the proposed change. Why should the quorum lower?

We might need to increase the period from one month for type1.