Empty Token Standard

I’m trying to send 0 zts1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqtq587y test transaction using the empty token standard as discussed here: Secret messages (PoC) - ╰ Funding | Staging - Forum.

Command I’m using

./znn-cli -u wss://my.hc1node.com:35998 send [ZTS_ADDRESS] 0 zts1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqtq587y "test"

However I get this error. Does this empty token standard still exist?

Unhandled exception:
Error! zts1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqtq587y does not exist
#0      getToken (package:znn_cli_dart/utils/formatUtils.dart:72)
<asynchronous suspension>
#1      _send (package:znn_cli_dart/general.dart:101)
<asynchronous suspension>
#2      generalFunctions (package:znn_cli_dart/general.dart:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3      handleCli (package:znn_cli_dart/utils/args.dart:133)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4      main (file:///Users/runner/work/znn_cli_dart/znn_cli_dart/znn-cli.dart:20)
<asynchronous suspension>

The CLI has been altered to check the actual token standard being supplied. It calls the getToken RPC method and throws an exception if no token is returned.

I’m not exactly sure if the contract allows an empty token standard. If so, the check is purely client side and can be adjusted if needed.

Cool - the secret_messages branch of Vilkris’ repo seems to address this. I found the Sodium library does not work with linux out of the box with this build. Also needed to take the argon libraries from the syrius build to run this on a mac with an M1 processor. So had to hack around to get this to work, but finally got it running.

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