How to setup and run the znnd unikernel in Proxmox

High Level Instructions

Note: I am still testing these instructions.

Here’s a comprehensive guide tailored for importing the znn.qcow2 image for Zenon Network into Proxmox.

  1. Preparation:

    • First, ensure you have a directory for storing QCOW2 images on Proxmox. If not present, create one using:
      mkdir -p /var/lib/vz/template/qcow2
  2. Download the znn.qcow2 Image:

    • Download the Zenon Network’s znn.qcow2 image from GitHub releases. Place the downloaded image into the directory you prepared earlier.

      cd /var/lib/vz/template/qcow2
      wget #< this will change so confirm the URL first
  3. Creating a New Virtual Machine:

    • In Proxmox, create a new virtual machine (VM) but skip the OS installation step as the QCOW2 image is pre-configured with the znnd unikernel.

  1. Import the QCOW2 Image:

    • Import the QCOW2 image into your Proxmox system with:
      qm importdisk VM-ID /path/to/znn.qcow2 local -format qcow2

    Replace VM-ID with the ID of the VM you created.

  2. Configure the Virtual Machine:

    • Attach the imported disk to your VM via the Proxmox web interface by going to the VM’s “Hardware” tab, selecting “Add” → “Hard Disk”, and choosing the imported disk. Set the bus to VirtIO for better performance.

  1. Boot Configuration:

    • Adjust the VM’s boot order to boot from the imported disk by navigating to “Options” → “Boot Order”.
  2. Launching the VM:

    • Finally, start your VM. It should boot using the znnd unikernel loaded from the znn.qcow2 image.

Detailed Setup Instructions


What is this for?

znnd as a unikernel.