How to use Monit to Monitor & Alert to Momentum Production & System Resources

Let’s setup Monit to monitor /var/log/syslog to ensure your Pillar is producing momentums. We do that by using Monit to check if a certain value (“Height”) in the syslog is incrementing with each check. We use a custom script that Monit can execute. Monit itself does not have built-in functionality for parsing specific values within log files, but it can easily trigger scripts based on certain conditions.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can set this up:

Step 1: Write a Script to Check the Log File

Create a script to monitor the /var/log/syslog for specific changes.

  • Script Content:

SEARCH_PATTERN="\[Momentum inserted\] Height:"

# Extract the latest height value from the log file
latest_height=$(grep "$SEARCH_PATTERN" "$LOG_FILE" | tail -1 | awk -F'Height: ' '{print $2}' | awk -F', ' '{print $1}')

# Debug: Print the latest height
echo "Latest height extracted: $latest_height"

# Read the last height value stored
last_height=$(cat "$LAST_HEIGHT_FILE" 2>/dev/null || echo 0)

# Compare and update
if [ -z "$latest_height" ]; then
    echo "Pattern not found"
    exit 1
elif [ "$latest_height" -le "$last_height" ]; then
    echo "Height not incrementing"
    exit 1
    echo "$latest_height" > "$LAST_HEIGHT_FILE"
    exit 0

  • Make the Script Executable:
chmod +x /path/to/your/

Step 2: Configure Monit to Use the Script

Follow these steps to configure Monit:

  1. Locate or Create a Monit Configuration File:
  • Edit the main configuration file: /etc/monit/monitrc
  • Or, create a new file in /etc/monit/conf.d/, like logcheck.conf.
  1. Add the Service Entry with Interval: Add the following to your configuration file, including the interval directive:
check program check_height with path "/path/to/your/"
    every 2 cycles
    if status != 0 then alert
  • This example sets Monit to run the script every 2 cycles. If your Monit is configured to check every minute, this means the script will be run every 2 minutes.
  1. Save and Exit the Configuration File.
  2. Check Monit Configuration for Syntax Errors:
sudo monit -t
  1. Reload or Restart Monit:
sudo monit reload


sudo service monit restart

Step 3: Configure Email Alerts in Monit

1. Edit the Monit Configuration File

  • Open the main Monit configuration file, typically located at /etc/monit/monitrc:
sudo nano /etc/monit/monitrc

2. Configure Mail Server Settings

  • Locate or add a section in the configuration file for setting up the mail server. Here’s an example using Gmail’s SMTP server:
set mailserver port 587
    username "" password "yourpassword"
    using tlsv1
    with timeout 30 seconds
  • Replace and yourpassword with your actual Gmail email address and password. If you’re using two-factor authentication with Gmail, you’ll need to generate an app-specific password.
  • If you’re using a different email provider, you’ll need to use their specific SMTP server settings.

3. Set the Alert Recipient

  • Define whom Monit should send the email alerts to:
set alert
  • Replace with the email address where you want to receive the alerts.

4. Customize Email Format (Optional)

  • You can customize the email format for alerts. For example:
set mail-format {
    subject: Monit Alert -- $EVENT $SERVICE
    message: Monit $ACTION $SERVICE at $DATE on $HOST: $DESCRIPTION.
  • Adjust the from, subject, and message fields as needed.

5. Save and Close the Configuration File

  • After making these changes, save and close the file.

6. Test the Email Setup

  • To ensure that the email setup works, you can force Monit to send a test alert:
sudo monit reload
sudo monit status
  • This reloads Monit with the new configuration and the status command can help in confirming if Monit is running correctly.

7. Reload or Restart Monit

  • Apply your changes by reloading or restarting Monit:
sudo monit reload


sudo service monit restart

Additional Monitoring

System Health

Monitor and alert system health.
sudo nano /etc/monit/conf.d/system_monitor.conf

check device root with path /dev/sda3
    if SPACE usage > 80% for 2 cycles then alert

check system $HOST
    if loadavg (1min) per core > 2 for 5 cycles then alert
    if loadavg (5min) per core > 1.5 for 10 cycles then alert
    if cpu usage > 80% for 10 cycles then alert
    if memory usage > 75% then alert
    if swap usage > 25% then alert

Network Usage

Monitor and alert network usage.
sudo nano /etc/monit/conf.d/network_usage.conf

## Check a network link status (up/down), link capacity changes, saturation
## and bandwidth usage.
  check network public with interface eth0
    if failed link then alert
    if changed link then alert
    if saturation > 90% then alert
    if download > 10 MB/s then alert
    if total uploaded > 1 GB in last hour then alert

Orchestrator Messages

Monitor Orchestrator messages for potential errors
sudo nano /etc/monit/conf.d/orchestrator_logs.conf

check file syslog with path /var/log/syslog
    if match "KeyGen threshold was not met" then alert
    if match "orchestrator successfully started" then alert
    if match "websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF" then alert
    if match "websocket: close 1001 (going away): upstream went away" then alert
    if match "Stopping orchestrator" then alert
    if match "Started ECDSA Keygen" then alert
    if match "error signing unwrap" then alert


  • Ensure the script has read permissions for /var/log/syslog.
  • Adjust the script as needed for your log file format.
  • Configure Monit with your email settings in monitrc for alerts.
  • Check /var/log/monit.log for logs and troubleshooting.
  • Security Considerations: Storing plain text passwords in configuration files is not recommended for security reasons. Consider using environment variables or other secure methods to store sensitive information.
  • Using a Different Email Provider: If you’re using a different email provider (other than Gmail), you’ll need to use their SMTP server settings. Make sure to use the correct server address, port, and encryption method.
  • Spam Filters: Sometimes, automated alert emails may be flagged as spam. Ensure that your email is configured to allow these messages to reach your inbox.