HQ Load Test Setup

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up and run a HQZD load test using the nomctl CLI. This tutorial will show you how to:

  1. Create a Python virtual environment
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Configure your .env file
  4. Use three Python scripts (run_loadtest.py, receive.py, send_spam.py)
  5. Spin up the load test in the background with nohup

1. Directory Structure

First, decide on your directory layout. One recommended approach is:

├── /loadtest
│    ├── .env
│    ├── requirements.txt
│    ├── run_loadtest.py
│    ├── receive.py
│    └── send_spam.py
└── /nomctl
     └── /build
         └── nomctl
  • /nomctl/build/nomctl is the compiled Nomctl CLI executable.
  • /loadtest contains your Python scripts and configuration.

2. Create and Populate .env

In your /loadtest folder, create a file named .env with the following contents (edit to your needs):

# .env

# Node URL for the -u flag

# Password for the -p flag (not displayed in logs)

# Space-separated addresses (these must be valid addresses on your Zenon network)
ADDRESSES="z1qz529j9d2vu0xan22w0ksr6xr6r8cuftrmhmlp z1qpg8v63m534t2vv09yzndv9gu9t6gyrvq3n6qv"


  • URL to point to your Zenon node IP and port.
  • PASSWORD to your actual password (it won’t be printed in logs).
  • ADDRESSES to the address(es) you want to send from.

3. requirements.txt

In the same /loadtest folder, create requirements.txt:


This ensures we can load environment variables from .env. If you need other Python libraries, add them here.

4. Create the Python Scripts

You need three Python scripts in /loadtest:

A. receive.py

This script handles the receive process with the -n 26 flag. It runs nomctl receiveAll every X seconds (default 60).

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import argparse
import subprocess
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables from .env

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run receiveAll every X seconds.")
        help="Number of seconds between each receiveAll execution (default: 60)."
    args = parser.parse_args()

    url = os.getenv("URL", "")
    password = os.getenv("PASSWORD", "Don'tTrust.Verify")

    # Adjust path to nomctl if needed (up one level to /nomctl/build/)
    nomctl_path = "../nomctl/build/nomctl"

    receive_command = [
        "-hq", "znn-cli",
        "-u", url,
        "-k", "hqz",
        "-p", password,
        "-n", "26",

    print(f"[receive.py] Starting receive loop. Interval = {args.interval}s")

    while True:
        # Create a safe command string for logging (mask password)
        safe_command_str = ' '.join("****" if arg == password else arg for arg in receive_command)
        print(f"[receive.py] Executing: {safe_command_str}")

            subprocess.run(receive_command, check=True)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            print(f"[receive.py] Error running receiveAll: {e}")

        # Sleep for the specified interval

if __name__ == "__main__":

B. send_spam.py

This script spawns multiple worker threads to send from the addresses you put in .env. We use serialization so that no two threads send concurrently from the same address—this helps avoid the “previous block is missing” error.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import threading
import argparse
import subprocess
from dotenv import load_dotenv

# Load environment variables from .env

def worker_thread(thread_id, interval, nomctl_path, url, password, addresses, address_locks):
    Each worker:
      - Loops forever
      - Sends to each address in turn
      - Acquires a lock per address to avoid concurrent sends from the same address
      - Sleeps 'interval' seconds after each send
    send_command_base = [
        "-hq", "znn-cli",
        "-u", url,
        "-k", "hqz",
        "-p", password,
    print(f"[Thread {thread_id}] Starting worker loop...")
    while True:
        for address in addresses:
            # Acquire the lock for this address (serialization)
            with address_locks[address]:
                cmd = send_command_base + [address, "1", "zts1utylzxxxxxxxxxxx6agxt0"]

                # Create a "safe" command string for logging (mask the password)
                safe_cmd_str = ' '.join("****" if arg == password else arg for arg in cmd)
                print(f"[Thread {thread_id}] Executing: {safe_cmd_str}")

                    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
                except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                    print(f"[Thread {thread_id}] Error running send command: {e}")

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Spin up multiple concurrent send workers (serialized per address).")
        help="Number of concurrent workers to spawn (default: 1)."
        help="Seconds to wait between sends per worker (default: 5)."
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Read from .env or fallback
    url = os.getenv("URL", "")
    password = os.getenv("PASSWORD", "Don'tTrust.Verify")
    addresses_str = os.getenv("ADDRESSES", "")
    if not addresses_str.strip():
        print("[send_spam.py] No addresses found in .env. Exiting.")
    addresses = addresses_str.split()
    # Path to nomctl
    nomctl_path = "../nomctl/build/nomctl"

    # Create a lock for each address
    address_locks = {addr: threading.Lock() for addr in addresses}

    # Spawn worker threads
    threads = []
    for i in range(args.workers):
        t = threading.Thread(
            args=(i, args.interval, nomctl_path, url, password, addresses, address_locks),

    # Keep main thread alive
    for t in threads:

if __name__ == "__main__":

C. run_loadtest.py

Finally, run_loadtest.py starts both receive.py and send_spam.py automatically. It waits indefinitely until you hit Ctrl + C, at which point it will terminate both child processes.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import subprocess
import time

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Run both receive.py and send_spam.py automatically."
        help="Interval for receive.py (default: 60)."
        help="Number of workers for send_spam.py (default: 1)."
        help="Interval (in seconds) between sends in send_spam.py (default: 5)."
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Start receive.py
    receive_cmd = [
    print("[run_loadtest.py] Spawning receive.py process...")
    receive_process = subprocess.Popen(receive_cmd)

    # Start send_spam.py
    send_cmd = [
    print("[run_loadtest.py] Spawning send_spam.py process...")
    send_process = subprocess.Popen(send_cmd)

        # Keep this script running
        while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("[run_loadtest.py] Caught KeyboardInterrupt, shutting down...")
        # Terminate child processes

if __name__ == "__main__":

5. Install Dependencies & Run the Scripts

A. Create a Python Virtual Environment (Recommended)

  1. Change directory to /loadtest:
    cd /someParentDirectory/loadtest
  2. Create a venv:
    python3 -m venv venv
  3. Activate the venv:
    • Linux/macOS:
      source venv/bin/activate
    • Windows (Powershell):

B. Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

C. Make Scripts Executable (Optional)

chmod +x run_loadtest.py receive.py send_spam.py

D. Run the Load Test

  1. Simple run (foreground):

    ./run_loadtest.py --receive-interval 60 --send-workers 2 --send-interval 3

    This means:

    • The receive script runs every 60 seconds.
    • The send script uses 2 worker threads, each sending every 3 seconds.
  2. Stop with Ctrl + C. This stops both receive.py and send_spam.py.

6. Run in Background with nohup

If you want the process to keep running even after you log out, use nohup:

nohup python3 run_loadtest.py \
    --receive-interval 60 \
    --send-workers 2 \
    --send-interval 3 \
    > loadtest.log 2>&1 &
  • > loadtest.log 2>&1 writes all output to loadtest.log.
  • & runs it in the background.

Check the log:

tail -f loadtest.log

Stop the background job:

  1. Find its PID:
    ps aux | grep run_loadtest.py
  2. Kill it:
    kill <PID>

7. Common Errors & Tips

  • “account-block previous block is missing”

    • Means you’re sending multiple transactions from the same address too quickly or the chain hasn’t processed the previous block yet.
    • We’ve partially mitigated this by serializing sends per address.
    • If you still get this, increase receiveAll frequency, or add more addresses so you’re not hammering one address.
  • No .env file

    • Make sure .env is in /loadtest and you set your URL, PASSWORD, and ADDRESSES.
  • File not found

    • Verify that ../nomctl/build/nomctl actually exists. Adjust nomctl_path if your layout is different.


That’s it! Once set up, you have:

  1. run_loadtest.py as your main entry point.
  2. receive.py handling inbound transactions with receiveAll -n 26.
  3. send_spam.py sending from your addresses with concurrency, but serialized per address.

With these scripts, you can:

  • Test your HQZD node.
  • Collect logs on performance and errors.
  • Experiment with different intervals, workers, and addresses for stress testing.

Feel free to customize and happy load testing!