Update - We are moving forward with the listing.
Opening a formal discussion to discuss listing ZNN on the exchange “nonkyc”
The name obviously implies potential regulation issues, but several respected community members have expressed support for this.
Whereas nonkyc looks nearly identical to Xeggex, I imagine the integration of native ZNN will go smoothly.
From the nonkyc.io website:
Native Asset Listing
Integration Fee: 2499 USDT
Locked Liquidity: $200 for EACH market you want
- Asset can be from any codebase
- You must NOT be currently having an ICO.
- You must have an Active user community on Telegram or Discord
- Details about your asset must be clear to understand
- You must have a website
- You must have a block explorer
- You must have twitter
- Your wallet software MUST pass security review
What You Get
- Up to 2 Markets, Your choice of base pairings (XMR, BTC, USDT, NKYC, LTC, ETH, BNB, USDC, DOGE)
- Announcement on Twitter, Telegram, Discord and News Blog
- Free technical support & wallet updates
- Free assistance with CoinGecko Listing
Setup Timeframe
- 3 - 7 Days
- Newly released assets will take longer for security review
- Additional time may be required if any programming is needed
Full details: NonKYC Cryptocurrency Exchange