Metrics Code Review for OP SIG meeting by ChatGPT

This Go code sets up an HTTP server that exposes metrics for monitoring purposes using Prometheus. Let’s break down the code step by step:

package main

import (



type metrics struct {
	syncCurrentHeight     prometheus.Gauge
	syncTargetHeight      prometheus.Gauge
	networkConnectedPeers    prometheus.Gauge

func NewMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer) *metrics {
	m := &metrics{
		syncCurrentHeight: prometheus.NewGauge(
				Name:       "znnd_sync_current",
				Help:       "Znnd Sync Current.",
		syncTargetHeight: prometheus.NewGauge(
				Name:       "znnd_sync_target",
				Help:       "Znnd Sync Target.",
		networkConnectedPeers: prometheus.NewGauge(
				Name:       "znnd_network_peers",
				Help:       "Znnd Network Peers.",
	return m

func main() {
	var (
		addr              = flag.String("listen-address", ":8080", "The address to listen on for HTTP requests.")
		rpca              = flag.String("rpc-address", "", "todo")


	rpc, err := client.NewClient(*rpca)
	if err != nil {
	log.Println("Connected to", *rpca)
	z := zdk.NewZdk(rpc)

	reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()

	m := NewMetrics(reg)

	go func() {
		for {
			// todo error handling
			v, _ := z.Stats.SyncInfo()
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	go func() {
		for {
			v, _ := z.Stats.NetworkInfo()
			time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.HandlerFor(
			EnableOpenMetrics: true,
			Registry: reg,
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil))

1. Imports and Dependencies

  • flag, log, net/http, time – Standard Go libraries for command-line flag parsing, logging, HTTP server setup, and time manipulation.
  • and prometheus/promhttp – Prometheus packages for creating metrics and serving them via HTTP.
  • and go-zdk/zdk – Custom packages used for interacting with Zenon Network (denoted by zdk), which provides RPC (Remote Procedure Call) methods.

2. Defining Metrics Structure

type metrics struct {
	syncCurrentHeight     prometheus.Gauge
	syncTargetHeight      prometheus.Gauge
	networkConnectedPeers prometheus.Gauge
  • This structure (metrics) defines three Prometheus metrics:
    • syncCurrentHeight: Represents the current height of blockchain synchronization.
    • syncTargetHeight: Represents the target height of synchronization.
    • networkConnectedPeers: Represents the number of peers connected in the network.
  • These are Gauge types, which means they represent numerical values that can go up or down.

3. Creating New Metrics (NewMetrics function)

func NewMetrics(reg prometheus.Registerer) *metrics {
	// Define each metric with a name and help string.
	m := &metrics{
		syncCurrentHeight: prometheus.NewGauge(
				Name: "znnd_sync_current",
				Help: "Znnd Sync Current.",
		syncTargetHeight: prometheus.NewGauge(
				Name: "znnd_sync_target",
				Help: "Znnd Sync Target.",
		networkConnectedPeers: prometheus.NewGauge(
				Name: "znnd_network_peers",
				Help: "Znnd Network Peers.",
	// Register each metric with Prometheus.
	return m
  • The NewMetrics function takes a prometheus.Registerer as an argument to register the metrics with Prometheus.
  • It initializes each metric with appropriate labels and registers them to make them available for monitoring.

4. Main Function

Command Line Arguments

var (
	addr = flag.String("listen-address", ":8080", "The address to listen on for HTTP requests.")
	rpca = flag.String("rpc-address", "", "todo")
  • The flag package is used to define command-line flags:
    • listen-address: The address where the HTTP server will be listening for incoming requests.
    • rpc-address: The RPC endpoint to connect to the Zenon Network node.

Client Setup

rpc, err := client.NewClient(*rpca)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Connected to", *rpca)
z := zdk.NewZdk(rpc)
  • It establishes a connection with the Zenon RPC node using the address provided.
  • A NewClient function from the client package is used to create an RPC client.
  • If an error occurs during connection, it will log the error and terminate the program (log.Fatalln).
  • The RPC client is then wrapped by zdk.NewZdk to use the higher-level Zenon API.

Prometheus Registry and Metric Registration

reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()
m := NewMetrics(reg)
  • A custom Prometheus registry (reg) is created.
  • The NewMetrics function is called to register the custom metrics.
  • The NewBuildInfoCollector() is also registered, which provides metadata such as Go version and build details.

5. Metrics Collection Goroutines

Sync Information Collector

go func() {
	for {
		// todo error handling
		v, _ := z.Stats.SyncInfo()
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
  • A goroutine (go func() { ... }()) is used to collect synchronization information from the Zenon node every 10 seconds.
  • z.Stats.SyncInfo() retrieves the sync information (TargetHeight and CurrentHeight) and updates the corresponding metrics.
  • The time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) ensures the metrics are updated at regular intervals.
  • Note that error handling is not implemented here (// todo error handling).

Network Info Collector

go func() {
	for {
		v, _ := z.Stats.NetworkInfo()
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
  • Another goroutine is used to collect the network information, specifically the number of peers (NumPeers).
  • This metric is updated every 10 seconds.

6. HTTP Metrics Endpoint

http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.HandlerFor(
		EnableOpenMetrics: true,
		Registry:          reg,
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil))
  • The HTTP server is set up to handle /metrics endpoint requests.
  • promhttp.HandlerFor(reg, ...) is used to serve the metrics collected by the custom registry (reg) in the OpenMetrics format.
  • The server listens on the address provided by the addr flag (e.g., :8080).
  • If there is an issue with starting the server, log.Fatal will log the error and stop the program.


This code provides a Prometheus metrics exporter for monitoring the state of a Zenon node by collecting:

  • Sync Target Height: The target block height for synchronization.
  • Sync Current Height: The current block height of synchronization.
  • Connected Peers: Number of peers connected to the network.

Two separate goroutines are used to periodically update these metrics from the Zenon node, and an HTTP server serves these metrics at /metrics, which can be scraped by Prometheus.

@georgezgeorgez Should we track the rate at which blocks are produced in case one hangs and we need to trouble shoot it?

We can derive that metric by changes in targetHeight right?

Right. If this runs every 10 seconds it will get all of them and we can calculate the time. For some reason I was thinking we could have 2 momentums in within 10 seconds (and miss one), but I assume that is impossible / unlikely.

Every 5 minutes, 5 * 60 = 300 seconds, 30 pillars are elected and assigned momentums to produce every 300/30 = 10 seconds.

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