Operations Special Interest Group - Meeting 2 - 5 Aug 2024 @ 6PM EST

What: Meeting to Discuss Improving Node Operations
When: 5 Aug 2024 @ 6PM EST
Where: https://element.zenon.chat/#/room/#sig-operations:hc1.chat
DRAFT Agenda:

  1. Discuss improvements to znndNode
  • Fix docker build
  • Launch with zenon.sh?
  • Explore ways to simplify setup
  • Identify tasks to be assigned / shared

If you want to attend please respond (or DM) with your full matrix username and I will invite you to the group. No FUD, anger or BS allowed.

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A step-by-step interactive tutorial for new aliens with local setup or different Cloud providers would be nice.

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Minutes from meeting Operations SIG 5 Aug 2024 - Zenon Wiki

After years. The focus is on a setup.sh file.

… congrats.

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