You are consenting if you have wss properly configured. I think we can retrieve more info.
If you’re a pro-user, you will be able to use the Node Management interface to add your testnet node.
We can create an incentive structure: if you want to remain connected to this node, consider donating X amount of ZNN or QSR. This can be hardcoded into the wallet. I’ve used the term donate because you cannot request funds without compromising privacy.
If we agree with this statement, then I think Option D might be the way to go, though there could be some end-user confusion if there are gated/paid nodes displayed in the list.
Honestly, I’m between Options B and D.
Maybe we do both.
Also, consider setups that load balance. I have trouble mapping 0x’s wss service automatically with my node crawling algo.
The LB only handles 35997 and 35998. The nodes only receive 35997,8 from the LB.
35995 is handled by the nodes directly. They both have their own public IP and TCP and UDP are open directly to the nodes. 35995 does not run inbound or outbound through the LB.
Guys, I think we should have some public nodes available to SYRIUS. We will eventually figure out how to incentivize them. @sumamu has a pretty good idea to do that. In the meantime, why don’t we offer a list of nodes in syrius. Maybe it pulls from a json file that is hosted on HC1 and HCT. Nodes need to submit a PR to those repos to be added to the list.
We can add a disclaimer about selecting a public node. And we can add a link to that explains the nodes, the importance of running their own node or using the embedded node in SYRIUS. But giving people an EZ button will help adoption IMO.
I don’t see an issue with adding these as an optional syrius setting, not the default behavior, obviously. That said, I can also see the argument against it. Mainly, most users will be probably using either a chrome extension or the syrius mobile wallet, which should probably come with a list of public nodes built in, and a public node as a default setting, removing the need for desktop syrius to include them.
Only devs can populate the kDefaultCommunityNodes list and it must be approved by 2 reviewers to get into the final release. Same goes for removing nodes from that list.
If we want to onboard new users we must do it with what we already have. Development pace is already slow and dev time is limited. We don’t want to waste it.