Round 1 of 3
Please see the following work package and discuss the amount of AZ funds that hyperqube contributors should apply for. HC1: HyperQube SIG WP1 - Zenon Wiki
Round 1 happens during the planning phase.
Round 2 happens as the work is in progress.
Round 3 happens once the work is done.
All members are welcome to participate in the discussion thread.
The scope would be limited to only what is needed for the governance embedded once that is spec’d out.
My use case is for the adversarial testing (load/performance, e2e) with the framework.
I think the sophistication of our testing will be a factor in our total AZ ask.
I have a slot for adversarial testing but that could comprise of manual testing by community members or creating reusable test suites with k6. If we are able to do something fairly automated and reusable, I think it could warrant at least another AZ.