WP1 Network Launch Pointing (1/3)

Round 1 of 3
Please see the following work package and discuss/vote on relative value of the Network Launch work of HC1: HyperQube SIG WP1 - Zenon Wiki

The Network Launch work is comprised of individual work items which we want to assign points to:

  • Pillar Sign Up Method (through signatures and AZ)
  • Launch Code & Config (go-zenon fork and genesis file)
  • Operational Support (instructions & scripts)
  • Pillar Momentum Pointing (maybe just bundle with explorer)
  • Explorer
  • Future/Bonus (gives us wiggle room to adjust)

As a baseline, the work package starts with 10k points allocated for pillar momentums and votes and 10k points for the work package coordinator, for a total of 20k points.

Round 1 happens during the planning phase.
Round 2 happens as the work is in progress.
Round 3 happens once the work is done.

Quick template:

pillar sign up: X points
launch code & config: X points
operational support: X points
pillar momentum pointing: X points
explorer: X points
future/bonus: X points

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Work Item Points Rationale
Pillar Sign Up 1500 Proves the fairness of hyperqube_z launch.
Launch Code & Config 5000 Technical requirement to have our own network.
Operational Support 5000 Hyperqube_z pillars need to actually be up and running.
Pillar Momentum Pointing 1000 Needed for tracking pillar incentives to keep them running now and in the future.
Explorer 3000 User friendly way to see network activity.
Future/Bonus 4500 For ad-hoc incentives and delivery excellence

Part of me is unsure if it is worth the effort to prove fair launch. There will be no token sale or custody of assets. There will be big disclaimers saying that the future of the native tokens is uncertain and that they should be treated as utility tokens with no efforts being made to positively impact a price, if a market even exists.

Extension chains serve a group of people. They don’t have to be all-inclusive.

pillar sign up: 1500 points
launch code & config: 6000 points
operational support: 3500 points
pillar momentum pointing: 1500 points
explorer: 3000 points
future/bonus: 4500 points

Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1500
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4500
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Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1500
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4500
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1000
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 5000
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1,000
Launch Code & Config 6,000
Operational Support 3,000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 3,000
Explorer 4,000
Future/Bonus 3,000
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1500
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4500
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1000
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 4000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4000
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1500
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4500
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1500
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4500
Work Item Points
Pillar Sign Up 1500
Launch Code & Config 6000
Operational Support 3000
Pillar Momentum Pointing 2000
Explorer 3000
Future/Bonus 4500