Syrius v0.2.0

We’d like the community to help us test this release. We do this through one or more test rounds. For each test round, a release candidate is issued and testing takes place for a period of time. After each round, any errors found are resolved and a new test round will be announced until no more errors are found.

A number of test cases have been set up to help testers get a grip on what to test. The test cases contain scenarios that try to cover the underlying code changes. The test cases do not cover the code changes 100% and therefore there are situations that are not covered by them.

The following tests have been setup:

When creating a test-run, copy a test and fill in the following information:

  • Syrius version you’re using to the test
  • Environment
  • Date of the test
  • Name or handle of the tester

The result of a test case is either PASS or FAIL. Leave it blank if for whatever reason you’re not able to test the case. Submit the results of your test-run on the forum. The test-runs give us a good idea of what has been tested.

The reason and details of a FAIL test case must be submitted as an issue on the Syrius repo. See below for more information.

Bug bounties

Testers who find bugs are rewarded through the bug bounty program. Anyone can participate, but in order to qualify for a reward, submitted bugs must meet a number of requirements.

  1. Bugs must be submitted on GitHub under the Syrius repository as issues
  2. Bugs must have a clear description (a template has been setup to help you fill in the necessary information)
  3. Bugs that cannot be reproduced will be ignored
  4. The issue must contain a Zenon address to qualify for a reward
  5. When duplicates occur, we only award the first report that was received (provided that it can be fully reproduced)

Bugs will be divided into three categories, namely: Low, Medium, High. All bugs for Syrius fall between 0.1 and 3.9 CVSS and the rewards are set accordingly. The following table shows the rewards per category.

Severity Amount Description
Low 10 ZNN Bug won’t result in any noticeable breakdown of the system
Medium 25 ZNN Results in some unexpected or undesired behavior, but not enough to disrupt system function
High 50 ZNN Bugs capable of collapsing large parts of the system

A total amount of 500 ZNN has been allocated for the bug bounty program. No further rewards will be paid once it is depleted. The bug bounty fund will remain untouched when no bugs are found, to be used for future releases.


Do not test with live funds, but connect Syrius to a testnet using the following node and chain id. Use the faucet to receive the necessary test funds.

ChainID: 3
Node: wss://
Faucet: Telegram: Contact @znn_faucet_bot

Test rounds

When testing begins, a round of testing will be announced in a separate post. The post contains instructions for downloading the release candidate and all test-runs are collected in that post until the end of the round.

This will be repeated until the release is deemed ready for publication.