Zenon CLI commands for liquidity and bridge

I would like to propose a list of possible cli commands for interacting with the liquidity and bridge api and contract methods. Some of these commands probably don’t have to be implemented, because they represent internal contract methods. I’ve included them all to make the list as complete as possbile. The command names follow a namespace principle to keep the actual commands short and similar to each other like get, info, list, set, listBy etc and to avoid command names like getAllWrapTokenRequestsByToAddressNetworkClassAndChainId.

I’m not aware if any other devs are currently working on the cli, but it might be helpful to discuss and share a common command interface before implementing one to avoid creating different interfaces.

Liquidity commands

liquidity.info Get the liquidity information
liquidity.security Get the liquidity security information
liquidity.timeChallenges List all liquidity time challenges
liquidity.emercency Put the liquidity contract in emercency mode. Can only be called by the administrator.
liquidity.halt Halt liquidity operations. Can only be called by the administrator.
liquidity.unhalt Unhalt liquidity operations. Can only be called by the administrator.
liquidity.update Update the liquidity contract.

liquidity.stake Stake liquidity
liquidity.stake.list List all stakes by address
liquidity.stake.cancel Cancel staked liquidity
liquidity.stake.unlock Unlock liquidity staking for a zts that is no longer allowed.

liquidity.reward.list List all liquidity reward history by address
liquidity.reward.get Get uncollected reward by address
liquidity.reward.collect Collect liquidity rewards
liquidity.reward.setAdditional Set additional liquidity rewards. Can only be called by the administrator
liquidity.reward.setToken Set token and corresponding reward percentages. Can only be set by the administrator.

liquidity.admin.nominate Nominate liquidity guardians. Can only be called by the administrator.
liquidity.admin.propose Propose liquidity administrator. Can only be called by a guardian if the liquidity contract is in emergency mode.
liquidity.admin.change Change liquidity administrator. Can only be called by the administrator.

Bridge commands

bridge.info Get the bridge information
bridge.security Get the bridge security information
bridge.timeChallenges List all bridge time challenges
bridge.emercency Put the bridge contract in emercency mode. Can only be called by the administrator.
bridge.halt Halt bridge operations.
bridge.unhalt Unhalt bridge operations. Can only be called by the administrator.
bridge.enableKeyGen Enable bridge key generation. Can only be called by the administrator.
bridge.disableKeyGen Disable bridge key generation. Can only be called by the administrator.
bridge.setMetadata Set the bridge metadata. Can only be called by the administrator.
bridge.setRedeemDelay Set the bridge redeem delay in momentums Can only be called by the administrator…
bridge.changePubKey Change bridge TSS ECDSA public key. Can only be called by the administrator.

bridge.wrap.list List all wrap token requests
bridge.wrap.listByAddress List all wrap token requests by address
bridge.wrap.listUnsigned List all unsigned wrap token requests
bridge.wrap.get Get wrap token request by id
bridge.wrap.update Update wrap token request
bridge.wrap.token Wrap assets.

bridge.unwrap.list List all unwrap token requests
bridge.unwrap.listByAddress List all unwrap token requests by address
bridge.unwrap.get Get unwrap token request by hash and log index
bridge.unwrap.token Unwrap assets.
bridge.unwrap.revoke Revoke unwrap request.

bridge.orchestrator.info Get the orchestrator information
bridge.orchestrator.set Set the orchestrator information

bridge.network.list List all available bridge netwoks
bridge.network.get Get the current bridge network information
bridge.network.set Add or edit an existing bridge network
bridge.network.remove Remove an existing bridge network
bridge.network.setMetadata Set the metadata for a bridge network

bridge.admin.nominate Nominate bridge guardians. Can only be called by administrator.
bridge.admin.propose Propose bridge administrator. Can only be called by a guardian if the bridge contract is in emergency mode.
bridge.admin.change Change bridge administrator. Can only be called by administrator.


Thank you for being the first to take on this work. I’ve used your code as reference material for the Dart SDK and I’m in the process of testing these functions.

I’m considering adding these to the Dart znn-cli as well, though I might have to refactor that code first. Its current design doesn’t scale well when we introduce so many new changes.

It would be helpful to write C# and/or Dart applications like the z_bridge_test.go and z_bridge_liquidity.go files that step through the process of activating/using the new functionality.
I’m not sure if you plan to do this. I might do that after I finish the znn-cli work.

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I think the SDK is complete. I have not yet had the opportunity to fully test all methods on-chain. If the documentation is correct, everything should be fine.

As for the CLI implementation. That is mainly a one-to-one impl. of the methods. I wanted to understand the bridge better before adding business logic to it.

The methods with a time challenge can in any case be checked. I will adjust the nominate command to check for active time challenges.

The suggested command names above have not yet been fully implemented in the CLI code, but it is my intention to use the suggested names. Feel free to suggest any changes if you don’t like some of them.