How to sideload the Zenon Ledger Embedded App for Ledger Nano S/S+

This post explains the process of sideloading the Zenon Ledger Embedded App from pre-compiled binaries on a Ledger Nano S/S+ device.

The Zenon community is currently in the process of registering the Zenon Ledger Embedded App for admittance to the Ledger Live application. Once approved the Zenon Ledger Embedded App will be available for installation in the Ledger Live application.

The Zenon Ledger Embedded App can be installed directly on a device. This process is called sideloading and should be used for testing purposes only. Sideloading is only possible with a Ledger Nano S/S+ device and requires you to trust a not genuine application.

Before you start

Download binaries

  1. Download the latest release of the Zenon Ledger Embbeded App
  2. Verify the checksum and extract the contents of the archive to a directory

Sideload app

  1. Open terminal
  2. Change directory to contents of the extracted ledger-app-zenon archive
  3. Change directory to nanos for Ledger Nano S or nanos2 for ledger Nano S Plus
  4. Type command in terminal: python -m pip install ledgerblue
  5. Connect the Ledger device to USB port and unlock with pin
  6. Type command in terminal: python -m ledgerblue.runScript --scp --fileName bin/app.apdu --elfFile bin/app.elf
  7. Follow instructions on the Ledger device and approve
  8. The Zenon app should now be available on your device