AZ Investment Thesis Position Paper

No, with nonsense with you enforcing your methods as if it’s the only one being valid. And repeating the same thing over and over.

I haven’t successfully enforced anything. Only Pillars realized that it’s a smart approach with their votes.

Maybe just leave it to the vote rather than coming up on a daily basis with a reformulation of the same thing.

The only condition should be some proof of value creation. I dont care how it’s done but I will die on this hill.

I’m allowed to reply like anyone else.

Are you done @Chadass? Got any arguments about the proposal?

Yeah but how do you measure value? This can be tricky and my point is that mehowz beloved metrics are sometimes not the best way and it should not be the only one. Stay open.

No I’m not done, are you ?

Answer to this @Chadass

Read above.

Another problem is that you guys turn the vote into your personal battlefield where you push your personal grief rather than dealing with this privately. This is fucked up and you know it.

No reply to my post. What’s his distribution plan? What’s his nurturing plan? Basics even without metrics.

No we’re discussing, that’s what a forum is for.

Again, your methods aren’t everyone’s and not always the best. Maybe instead of starting useless childish wars you could go back and check Slack sometimes.

Your bad faith is George level.

Having a distribution plan is a method? Lol dude cmon.

Let’s all create content no one sees.

So white label funnels are bad faith?

Again, your metrics. It’d all about you isn’t it ?

Distribution is not metrics.

I really don’t think you know what you’re arguing with anymore @chadass.